This year, ten street artists sailed in Vukovar, art harbour. VukovART now counts 33 street art works in its gallery!
Vukovart 2021 presents:
Victor Splash – Everything is on the surface (Stjepana Radića 12-14)

BustArt – Kiss by the Danube (Županijska cesta 61)

Mr Woodland – Inseparable (Domovinskog rata 18-20-22)

Juandres Vera – The Heart is the Commander (We, ourselves and us) (Ulica J.J. Strossmayera)

Boa Mistura – OSTAJEMO / We Stay (Marina Držića 22)

Kerim Musanovic – Strawberry Flavor (Šetnica kraj Vuke)

Marion Ruthardt – Lipizzaner (Šetnica kraj Vuke)

Jana Brike – Procession of life by a blue river (Županijska cesta 124)

Artez – Surprise Yourself (Ulica Hrvatskog zrakoplovstva 11)

Šumski – Portals (Ulica Hrvatskog zrakoplovstva 17)