BustArt - Kiss by the Danube

VukovART 2021: 10 new Street Art works

This year, ten street artists sailed in Vukovar, art harbour. VukovART now counts 33 street art works in its gallery! Vukovart 2021 presents: Victo...

Saturday for movies and music

Saturday was reserved for relaxing with documentary – Bike Adventures of Hlapich and Lima. Movie is about two friends who travel by bicycles fro...

Street Art in Croatia

Many cities in Croatia recognize importance of street art and do great projects in their own environments. Because of that, we brought to Vukovar some...

Matakovic in Vukovar

One of the most known comic book masters, Dubravko Matakovic, held a lecture in front of Radnicki Dom, where almost all program is held. Dubravko w...

Cool Tour de Vukovar

And this year we organized cycling tour for children that connects healthy and active life with art. The only one 3D Street Artist Filip Mrvelj exp...

Warming Art Tour

First day of festival was active. We cycled Tour de Vukovar, cycling tour that passes street art, with guide, artist and co organizer – Filip Mr...

Vukovart supports Artists

Corona virus situation afeected all economy, creative industry and culture as well. Events are cancelled, concerts, festivals, art galleries are close...

Vukovart brochure

After finished third Vukovart, we decided to continuo with numerous activities during whole year like Vukovart and Street Art lectures, educations and...

Great under the stars – murals

If You saw two young men painting the wall near Elementary school Antun Bauer recently, then You saw main actors of – Great under the stars proj...

Vukovart in Dubrovnik

This week we presented Vukovart during manifestation Days of creative and cultural industries in Dubrovnik. Days of creative / Cultural industries...

Vukovart Notebooks

City of Vukovar this year provides free schools books for all primary school students, and free notebooks for fourth year in a row. Motives of Vukovar...

Open Gallery

Open Gallery created during Vukovart project is proved to be great touristic offer that started to attract domestic and foreign tourists. Currently, i...

Vukovart connecting Artists

Vukovart – Art Harbour is designed as a place where all artists are welcomed, but also as platform that connects artists and all kind of arts. A...

Vukovart 2019 – Give me 5

Vukovart – art harbour is a concept that promotes Vukovar (Croatia) as a place that accepts all artists, creators of new values. The whole idea starte...

Cool Tour de Vukovar

As part of Vukovart, Art Harbour, for the first time we organized Bike Tour for children called Cool Tour de Vukovar, as added activities to the festi...

Vukovart 2019 – locations

Vukovart 2019 started with motto “Give Me 5” because of the five new artists who will paint five new buildings in Vukovar. And Vukovar bec...

Vukovart 2018

Vukovart – art harbour is a concept which promotes Vukovar as a place that accepts all artists, and new value creators. Also, with this concept...

Vukovart and future artists

Vukovart visited City Library in cooperation with Youth Peace Group Danube and young artists from Elementary school “Nikola Andric”. We we...

Wave of culture

This year, Vukovart – art harbour has a new motto – Vukovart goes vertical. On several locations in Borovo, part of Vukovar, facades will be pai...

Vukovart – goes vertical

And this year in Vukovar will be held street art festival named VUKOVART – goes vertical in co – organization of City of Vukovar and Val Kulture...

Vukovar got new touristic attraction

From 2nd to 15th of May, the biggest world names of 3D Street Art participated in Croatian city Vukovar, in Vukovart project. Vukovart was organized b...

Mayor of City of Vukovar With Artists

After first 3D Street Art festival Vukovart was finished, the Mayor Penava joined artist at dinner and handed them certificates of participation in Vu...

3D Street Artists In Vučedol

Today, because of rain, artists have visited famous Vucedol Culture Museum. Darko Bilandzic, Museum Head of marketing, met international guests and sh...

Kids Festival – Small Chalk

During this day City of Vukovar made an intro for Vukovart making festival for children – Small Chalk. On Vukovar square there was over 200 chil...

Livestream With 3D StreetArt Artists

Since Vukovart brings well known names of 3D Street Art scene, we’ll try to present artist in casual way to give their impressions of Vukovar an...

What is 3D painting?

From 2nd to 14th May, Vukovar becomes Art Harbour. During that period, he will be visited by the most famous 3D Street Artist with the main aim: chang...