Corona virus situation afeected all economy, creative industry and culture as well. Events are cancelled, concerts, festivals, art galleries are closed. Numerous artists are affected because of that. Many of artists who participated in Vukovart are not only Street Artists, but artists who create in their own studios and sell online. If You are Art lover and adore art, take a look at pieces of art of those great artists and if You like it – order it.

Ella & Pitr

Ella & Pitr are French artists who have their own web shop at their web page.


Mehsos is Belgium artist known after defragmentation, and his work can be seen at his web page, and for orders You can contact him via mail.


Zabou is French artist who lives in London, where is her Studio and her art works You can see at her web site where You can order it online.

Vera Bugatti

Vera Bugatti is from Italy, and she doesn’t do Street Art only. Her work can be seen at her web page.

Marina Capdevila

Marina Capdevila is Spanish artist which her Studio work sell via shop at her web page.

Thiago Mazza

Thiago Mazza lives in Brazil, and his works You can order contacting him at e mail via his web page. 


Lonac is Croatian artist with numerous art works beside Street Art. His work can be seen and order via web page.